Wednesday, July 8, 2009

CRM 4.0: Increasing Page Limit for CRM Grid Views

The number of records displayed on the lookup, or for that matter any view that displays the grid has a Paging Limit to it, which can be configured for each user from the Workplace->Personalize Workspace.

The maximum value available in Workplace however is only 250. Once this value is set to 250, the number of records per page in the lookup, and all other views will be 250 records.

However, there is a workaround to increase this Paging Limit for any user from the Database.

You can use the following query to set the value to say 1000.

UPDATE UserSettings SET PagingLimit=1000 WHERE SystemUserId IN
(Select SystemUserId from SystemUserBase WHERE FullName like 'Ashish%')

This will display 1000 records per page in views and lookups.


  1. This doesn't work. I updated the database and this didn't change the paging limit.

  2. I've a correction: the table of the base is named "UserSettingsBase" insted of "UserSettings". The last one it's a name of a view. I paste the correct query:

    UPDATE UserSettingsBase SET PagingLimit=1000 WHERE SystemUserId IN
    (Select SystemUserId from SystemUserBase WHERE FullName like 'user%')

    Anyway thanks for help!!

  3. This does not work for CRM 3.0. The only valid settings are 25, 50, 75, 100, 250. After changing this setting in the database to say 1000, the system would default to 25 instead.

  4. Hi Ashish,
    Is it possible to show the total number of retrieved records in an advanced find (without having to click through all pages)

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